Weekly Egg Treatment For Hair Growth Boost Hair Growth In Weeks

Everyone who wants to grow their hair longer and faster should do the weekly egg hair treatment without fail! Sometimes I use a plain egg mask on my hair, but I like to mix it up now and then. I love hair masks that moisturize as well as help eliminate stale scalp oils and this one does so perfectly!

This egg coconut oil honey hair mask will nourish the scalp, promote blood circulation, stimulate hair growth and check hair fall. Below, I’ve listed the benefits of egg coconut oil and honey in this nutritive hair mask:
  • Egg: Rich in protein sulphur, healthy fatty acids and moisture, egg is one of the best hair mask ingredients. It promotes growth, nourishes the hair follicles, conditions knotty hair, softens, moisturizes and tackles hair fall. Egg hair masks provide an intense protein treatment for luscious soft locks!
  • Coconut oil: Reduces hair protein loss due to the presence of lauric acid, which has a high affinity for hair proteins. Because it has a low molecular weight and medium chain fatty acids which can penetrate very easily into the hair follicles, coconut oil is the best penetrative and nourishing oil for hair growth!
  • Honey: Rich in moisture as it is a natural humectant (attracts and absorbs moisture). It will moisturize and hydrate hair. Honey is a gentle cleanser as well as an effective anti-microbial agent which will fight off microbes such as bacteria and fungi that block hair follicles and cause hair fall.
Weekly Egg Treatment For Hair Growth Boost Hair Growth In Weeks

How to make a Weekly Egg Treatment for Hair
The proportions below are enough for waist long hair. Even if it seems like a little it was just right to cover all of my hair. Any more than this can cause the hair mask to drip and it’s really annoying when a hair mask keeps dripping down your face, trust me on this one! Anywho, please feel free to adjust the measurements to suit your hair type. If your hair is shorter, you may use a little less honey or coconut oil.

  • One whole egg
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon organic honey
  1. Place a tablespoon of coconut oil into a small bowl. Warm it a little so that it can liquefy.
  2. Crack an egg into the small bowl and add your tablespoon of organic honey.
  3. Whisk up the ingredients thoroughly until well combined.
  4. That’s it! The hair mask is ready for application!
How to apply the hair mask
  • Wet you hair and scalp with warm to tepid water to open up the follicles and hair cuticles to increase the hair mask penetration.
  • Divide your hair into two sections.
  • Scoop up the hair mask with clean fingers and apply it onto your scalp. Use your fingers effectively by gently massaging the scalp as you apply the hair mask. This helps promote proper circulation.
  • From your scalp, move downwards, coating your hair strands with the hair mask. When you reach the ends, slather a generous amount because the ends need extra nourishment since this is where the most damage occurs.
  • Wrap your hair into a bun and cover up with a shower cap to trap heat and improve product take-up.
  • Leave the mask on for about 15 minutes. When the time is up, start rinsing off thoroughly using tepid water. I usually go with 7 rinses to get the mask off completely.
  • Leave your hair to air dry!
My Tips
  • You can just throw all the ingredients into the blender for a quick job of making the hair mask, if you’re not feeling lazy to wash the blender lol >_>.
  • Preferably stand in the shower when applying the hair mask as it can be really drippy! While waiting for it to sink deep, you can soak in a bath or shave.
  • Believe it or not, you don’t even need to shampoo your hair to remove this hair mask. The trick to get rid of the egg smell is just to rinse out extra well!
  • If you’re still apprehensive of the smell after rinsing off, here’s a quick tip – when your hair is dry, simply place a drop of your favorite smelling essential oil onto your hair brush and brush away!
DIY Herbal Hair Oil Infusions Guide with Recipes
Want to make your own herbal hair oils? Check out our DIY Herbal Hair Oil Infusions eBook that contains an A-Z list of healing herbs and spices to infuse for hair, what base oil to choose for your hair type, methods of infusing your hair oils plus 20 exciting hair oil recipes for dry hair, heat damaged hair, hair growth, even gray hairs, scented hair and more!

Where to Get a Natural Shampoo
If you are going chemical-free on your hair, but want to save the time of making a homemade shampoo, this Maple Holistics Sage Shampoo is a game-changer. It contains powerful herbs such as sage: for dandruff & itchy scalp treatment, rosemary: for hair growth and prevention of hair loss and spikenard for dandruff treatment. It also has argan, jojoba and tea tree oils that all protect the scalp from germs, keep hair clean as well as hydrated and moisturized. This shampoo does not contain sulfates, so it will not lather the way you are used to, but you will quickly get used to it and notice the difference!

Looking For Conventional Shampoo Fortified With Egg Protein?
If you are a conventional shampoo type of person, that’s fine too! Not many people are keen on using eggs on their hair due to the strong smell. The only conventional shampoo that I know of to contain eggs is Chik. If you know of any others, please tell me in the comments below and I’ll check them out.

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