Immunity-Boosting Orange, Carrot, Beet Juice

Trying to keep your family healthy during cold and flu season can be a challenge. Kids seem to have perfected the art of picking up and spreading every germ they come in contact with.

Between preschool and therapy, my son seems to bring home a new virus every week. The Poor kid came down with strep the weekend before Thanksgiving and then got the flu right before Christmas!

With all these germs being passed around I knew it was time to start increasing the amount of immunity boosting foods we were consuming. This pretty pink, orange carrot beet juice is a quick, easy, and tasty way to get the vitamins and minerals that help boost your immune system and keep you healthy.

I’m a huge fan of juicing and smoothies. Both are an easy way to squeeze in extra fruits and vegetables during the day and add a much-needed boost of vitamins and minerals.

I know that at first a juice with beets carrots and orange might not sound like a very tasty combination. But trust me, not only does it taste amazing but this juice is a nutritional powerhouse.

The nutritional benefits of carrots and oranges are well known. Orange juice is chocked full of vitamin C which supports the immune system, wound healing and collagen production. Just one medium orange contains approximately 93% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C!!!!

Carrot juice is rich in vitamin A which has been show to be a key component of gut health. And more and more information has come out lately showing the interconnectivity of gut health, immunity and overall well being. One cup of carrots contains 103% of the recommended amount of vitamin A.

Beet juice is truly an under appreciated super food and the star of this juice. Numerous studies have shown that beet juice has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation can stress and slow the immune system.

Beet juice also can improve blood flow, help to lower blood pressure and boost stamina. Give this pretty pink juice a chance and I can almost guarantee you’ll be a fan of beet juice in no time!

I generally make this juice once a week but during cold and flu season I try to make it three times a week. I’ve been use a Jack LaLanne Juicer  which I absolutely love and have used for close to 5 years and its still going strong!
Immunity-Boosting Orange, Carrot, Beet Juice

This recipe will make enough for two large glasses of juice


  • 3 – Oranges
  • 6 – Carrots
  • 1 – Large Beet


  1. Wash all ingredients, peel oranges
  2. Cut ingredients into thirds or the appropriate size for your juice
  3. Place all ingredients into juicer
  4. Enjoy!

Storage:  Fresh Juice is best enjoyed shortly after juicing. If you would like to store extra juice, store it in the fridge immediately after making and drink within 24-36 hours.  Remember to shake the juice prior to drinking to remix the ingredients.

I use these Working Glass Storage Jars  for juicing. I love them because they are large enough to hold all the juice. Plus they come with lids, so I can store any extra juice in the fridge for later or the next morning.

Do you juice as a tool to help keep your family healthy? If you have any juicing tips or tricks I would love to know in the comments below!!!!

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