Weightloss Drink to Reduce 5 Kgs in 5 Days

You will need:

  • 300 ml water
  • 1 lemon
  • 60 grams of parsley
  • Procedure:

Weightloss Drink to Reduce 5 Kgs in 5 Days


  1. The procedure is very simple. Just put all of the ingredients in blender and mix them until you get homogenous mixture. You will get a smoothie.
  2. Consume this this smoothie for 5 days, every single morning before breakfast. Make sure the drink is freshly prepared. After 5 days, take a 10 days break and then repeat the treatment again.
  3. This drink is rich in vitamins and minerals that boosts your immune system and eliminate the fat. The parsley is very effective because it helps to get rid of excess fluids in your body and will make you feel a lot healthier, lighter and will improve the digestive processes. Parsley is rich in vitamin C, iron and calcium.
  4. Prepare this drink, consume it for 5 days and experience major improvements! Share this article with your family and friends and help them too. 

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