Overnight Beauty Tips With Vaseline

There’s certainly a reason why Vaseline is known as “Wonder jelly” – because it’s such an incredible and versatile product offering many beauty uses.

It can be used in a zillion ways to treat a host of beauty and skincare problems. Isn’t that enough to judge it’s worth?

Vaseline can cover everything from moisturizing to protecting minor cuts. It can effectively heal dry skin without clogging your pores and also protects your skin.

So, what’s late? Let’s get to know some of the amazing beauty and skin care uses of Vaseline which you’ve probably never heard of.

Beauty Benefits Of Vaseline 
Vaseline so-called as Petroleum jelly or Petrolatum is a mixture of oils and waxes, which is in the form of a semi-solid jelly-like substance. It was discovered by Chesebrough when he found that the oil workers applied a gooey substance to heal their wounds and burns. Eventually, he discovered and packed this jelly-like substance as Vaseline.

The benefits which Vaseline offers comes from its main ingredient petroleum. This ingredient helps to heal your skin and retain moisture by sealing your skin with a water protective barrier. Therefore, Vaseline aids in retaining moisture and healing your skin. Read on to know more beauty benefits of vaseline.
Overnight Beauty Tips With Vaseline

1.Moisturizes face and body
Needless to say, Vaseline is the best moisturizer which has been used for decades. Applying Vaseline right after the shower will prevent your skin from drying out. Irrespective of the seasons, your face, elbows, knees and other body parts are always dried. Give them good nourishment and moisturization with Vaseline.

You can make a face mask using vaseline so that it penetrates into pores for deep cleansing, moisturizing, and exfoliation. Here’s an essential DIY face mask recipe to extremely dry skin.
  • 2 Tbsp Honey
  • A cup of Yogurt
  • 1 Tsp Aloe vera
  • 1 Tsp Vaseline
  1. Mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl thoroughly until well combined. Apply the mask all over your face and extreme dry body parts. Leave it on for a couple of hours and wash off. This keeps your skin moist, soft and supple. Repeat this treatment every day.
2. Helps minor cuts and burns
It’s perhaps during a post-surgery or minor cuts and burns, applying a layer of vaseline helps protect your skin, locks in moisture and thereby heals the cuts or burns.

Before applying vaseline to the wounds, ensure that the surface you apply the petroleum jelly is cleaned and disinfected. Else, bacteria gets trapped inside which slows down the healing process.

3. Remove Eye Makeup
Coconut oil has been the best natural makeup remover which gently wipes off makeup and moisturizes your skin. Similarly, vaseline or petroleum jelly is safe to use in and around the eye area according to a study.

You need to use a cotton pad or Q-tip to gently dab on the eye area and remove off the makeup.

4. Rejuvenates dull skin
Petroleum jelly keeps your skin radiant and youthful by rejuvenating dry and tired skin. Vaseline locks in moisture and protects your skin’s natural renewal process by forming a barrier on the surface skin.

That said, vaseline helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and dry flaky skin over time.

5. Hydrates your skin
Daily hydration and moisturization are essential to maintaining flawless skin. To maximize the benefits of daily skin care routine, using the products that seal moisture is equally important.

Vaseline locks in the moisture by penetrating deep within the surface layer of your skin where dryness occurs. Therefore, apply vaseline to all your body parts to stay hydrated, moisturized and heal dry skin.

6. Save Split ends
Rubbing some vaseline to the hair ends will help to treat your dried and split ends and promotes healthy hair growth. If you’re skeptical in trying vaseline over hair ends, do a simple patch test.

7. Soft Feet
Before you hit the bed, rub your feet with vaseline and wrap them in a pair of socks. This helps to allow the jelly to absorb into your feet and make them baby soft feet.

8. Smoother Lips
Vaseline petroleum jelly gives powerful protection and brilliant shine to your lips when applied regularly. Make your own lip scrub by putting a small amount of vaseline on a toothbrush. Brush or scrub your lips gently with clockwise movements to exfoliate flaky skin and keep them soft.

9. Stronger Nails
If you’ve brittle nails, apply vaseline to condition, moisturize, and to add shine to your cuticles. The best time to do this treatment is before bedtime so as to lock in the moisture the whole night by covering your hands.

You can also use Vaseline to perfect your manicure. Before painting your nails, apply a small amount of vaseline outside the cuticle area. The jelly will stop nail polish spilling outside the lines of your nails.

10. Tame your Lashes and Eyebrows
Take a small amount of vaseline on your index finger and smooth it over your eyebrows or flyaways to keep them well tamed all day long.

You can also coat your lashes with vaseline to strengthen them, remove mascara or any eye makeup. Pampering your lashes with vaseline before going to bed will help them grow faster.

Up to the very end!

Amazed by the beauty benefits of vaseline? Include this versatile and worthful product to your skin care regime and see the difference.

Do you use vaseline for other beauty purposes? Let me know by leaving a comment below. I’d love to know

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