Get Glowing Skin with this Turmeric Mask

Do you ever get acne? Wrinkles? Rosacea? Dark circles? Dull skin? Previously I wrote about all the health benefits of turmeric. Now it’s time to talk about the benefits of a turmeric mask for your skin.

First things first, a little background. If you’ve had Indian food before, you’ve had turmeric. It’s the spice that makes the food so popular, as well as lends its orange/yellow color to curries.

Because of all that goodness, turmeric is also great for your skin too. It is antibacterial, anti-aging, reduces facial hair, improves skin elasticity, lightens dark spots, controls oil and sends acne packing. Pretty much turmeric is the silver bullet for all our skin care needs.  I can’t speak for everyone, but I do this mask once a week and my skin looks so much better the next day. I see clearer skin, smaller pores, and an all-around refreshed look. (I also like to make this turmeric drink about once a month. It tastes so good and you can start benefiting from it right away.)

If you’d like to learn more about its wonderful properties, a quick Google search will help you out. But for the rest of us…let’s get to the mask.

Turmeric can be purchased easily at your local grocery store. I would recommend the organic brand. You might also want to consider starting with this DIY Lush Salt Scrub first.
Get Glowing Skin with this Turmeric Mask

Turmeric Mask

  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 tablespoon milk (If you have acne prone skin you can use apple cider vinegar)
  • 1 teaspoon honey (optional)


  1. Simply mix together and “paint” on your skin using a soft facial brush. If the honey is thick, you can always put into the microwave for a few seconds before mixing and painting on your skin. Be careful though – turmeric will stain clothes, counters, etc…although thankfully, not your skin.
  2. Leave on for 20 minutes or until completely dry.
  3. Rinse thoroughly!

“Thoroughly” is a bit of an understatement. First, rinse as many times as you can with just water, and perhaps then a cloth.  You will still be orange even after several times but do not worry. Keep rinsing a few times and then bring out the soap.

Eventually you will no longer be orange – I promise!

Try it and come back and let me know how it worked for you.

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