DIY Makeup Remover Pads

You can make your own homemade DIY makeup remover pads and save a fortune in beauty supplies with an easy home recipe that actually works. The gentle cleaning solution is perfect for eye makeup!

In my first year of blogging, I did a post about DIY makeup remover that costs just pennies to make and works as well as any brand of cleaner I’ve ever used.  I have made that same “recipe” a couple times and I still love using it. Some homemade products make these claims of greatness but don’t quite follow through and deliver. But not this one! I can get all my mascara off with just one or two of the DIY Makeup Remover Pads!
DIY Makeup Remover Pads

Other Favorites on Simple and Seasonal
I saw a pin from Enjoy the View and she made cleaning pads with her makeup remover.  I thought this was a great idea! I already had all the supplies I needed for making DIY makeup remover pads with my own ingredients and I finally put them together. It was so successful, I’ve done it over and over for the last several years!

DIY Makeup Remover Pads
What you’ll need
  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 1 1/2 tbsp baby shampoo (no-tears solution)
  • 1/8 tsp baby oil (you can also use coconut oil or olive oil!)
  • Round cotton pads
  • Small canning jar with lid
What to do
  1. Mix water, shampoo and oil in a small bowl.
  2. Pour a little into the bottom of the jar.
  3. Place cotton swabs on top of cleaner and press down to make sure they get saturated.
  4. Repeat until jar is full of saturated makeup pads. I had 1/2 cup of remover liquid leftover, so I just stored it in a jar so it’s ready for next time.
I tied a little bow around the top of my jar since it will be on display in my bathroom.  I just wish I had a Silhouette to make a cutesy little label for my jar! But that’s OK. My satisfaction will come from how much money I’m saving by using my own DIY makeup remover pads instead of a tiny package from the store!

You can use regular tap water if you make a smaller batch, or plan on using it up quickly. Using distilled water, however, will keep it fresh for longer and you won’t get a yucky smell coming from the pads after a month. Another option is to keep any leftover solution in an airtight container in the fridge and just saturate a few pads at a time.

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