Detox Lemon Honey Water WIth Cha Seed

Chia Seed Lemon Drink, a simple to make detox water at home with easily available ingredients from your pantry. When i saw the word "Detox water" for the first time, i wondered what is it ? Actually it's a infused water with fruits/vegetables and if you have it on empty stomach in the morning, it's said to help remove the toxins from the body and keep you energetic throughout the day. I'm not sure about all that claims about the detox water, but i wanna change my morning coffee routine to some what healthy drinks.So for the past couple of months, i have been drinking this lemon water with chia seed for twice or thrice in a week instead of my morning morning coffee and really like it, that means it deserves a post here.
Detox Lemon Honey Water WIth Cha Seed

Chia Seed Lemon Drink | Chia Seed Detox Water

  • Chia Seed - 1/2 tsp
  • Lemon Juice - 1 tsp
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Water - 1 cup


  1. Take the chia seed in a bowl, add the water and set it aside for minimum 1 hr to bloom or until it becomes all gel like consistency.Pour the chia gel in a serving bowl, squeeze the lemon juice and add the honey.Mix it all well together and then add the water. Again mix it well and serve it with lemon wedges.Tada, Simple Chia seed Lemon Drink is ready to serve.


  • The given quantity of the ingredients are based on my liking, you can add more or less of any ingredients as per your liking.
  • You can soak the chia overnight in the refrigerator. 

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